Following on from my post-x-mas-post which featured plush stuffed animals with oversized handcrafted vaginas i bring you the lush fall/winter collection from the delicious Walter Van Beirendonck. Now at this point i have to confess that i have a vested interest as Walter is one of the elite group of people who i hang with from time to time. Over the years our mutual understanding of all things beyond the reasoning of normal people has made each of us aware as to how cool we actually are. For his latest collection he's raised the bar on the future and taken us into a dimension that only those who know will ever know. His use of fabric-ated animal appendages exude the possibilities of what is possible in order to extend the reach of the probable. I for one feel Walter has just taken a giant leap into the future and i am right there with him. Hanging from his every appendage. Embrace it.
Designer/tailor/fashionista/punk protagonist Furbruger, has created these oh-so-fucking-cool plush stuffed animals with oversized handcrafted graphic vaginas. He intends to sell them online and give the proceeds to children's charities in the hope of highlighting the growing problem of child slavery in China and India where children are paid less than 1 euro a day to create these kinds of cuddly toys. Apparently some of the toys even have a musical function where they sing "I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)" by the Four Tops. Check them out! they're fucking awesome!
Artist Marco Schuler's work revolves around notions of physical strain and testing one's physical limitations. In his latest film 'Bypass' you can really feel the physical strain he puts himself under in order to test his own physical limitations. Powerful stuff indeed!
I can't begin to explain how much this piece moved me. From the moment i started watching the video i was captivated and rendered speechless.
Noah Feehans video art project 'Steak Filter vo' is a masterpiece. In this visually abstract work a signal is passed through a raw steak as it cooks, changing and deteriorating alongside the meat. Of the project Noah says "I'm trying to get at the reflexivity of live video -the taut line between the space and the image that results. It's possible to think of almost anything that mediates as a filter of some kind, sort of a "the-map-is-not-the-territory" territory." OMG. He goes on to say... "Part of my interest in video lies in its exploded body; the signal is a ghost that resonates and deforms, trapped in our waveguides: when the system powers down the image fades into incoherence, leaving no corpse behind. Steak Filter gives body to this infinite recursion, making it real; incarnate. With this corporeality comes mortality: as the meat sputters and pops, we watch the cascade of images until finally, the steak is done."
I can't believe i've only just come across this amazing video by Youtube Artist Jawbreaker90210. I've been following her career now for sometime but somehow managed to miss this film made back in March 2008. Titled 'Penny Bridleless and Bareback (Gotta Lotta Pennies; Appaloosa - Mustang)' the film piece is a 'physical expression of her rebellion against a system which enforces us to conform'. So powerful, so true, so epic.
To describe Designer Jamie O’shea as a genius simply doesn't do him justice. His new Vertical Bed allows the user to sleeping standing up right. The bed comes packaged in a neat briefcase and with accessories such as noise canceling headphones, opaque sunglasses and a free-standing umbrella. To promote the Vertical Bed O’shea slept for 40 minutes in downtown New York at Broadway and 33rd Street, with each sleep repeated at four hour intervals in a polyphasic sleep schedule. During that time he states he could "Smell the cologne of passersby and dreamed of a subversive delivery van". You MUST watch the video. It's simply breathtaking.
Work No. 990 by the Artist Martin Creed is a curtain that opens and closes. But what i love most about this piece is the speed at which the curtains open and close and open and close. It couldn't be more perfect.