Friday 30 October 2009

‘Sensory conversations’ by Touchy Feely

For those like me who find the walls in their houses to be a little too flat.
Touchy Feely, a Berlin based design consultancy have crafted the perfect solution.
Designed to provoke curiosity and physical interaction with the built environment 'Sensory conversations' is a concept based on interactive bathroom tiling.

According to Touchy Feely the ‘Trigger Point Mouldings’ are rounded fibrous plaster forms that can be integrated into a wall surface. As suggestive protrusions, the mouldings encourage heightened, physical interactions between bodies and architectural surfaces, and suggest that buildings can perform, or intimate towards the necessary work of massage therapists. Heating elements inserted into the backs of the plaster protrusions warm the forms to body temperature and assist in muscle tension relief. As warmed wall areas, the protrusions create a gentle threshold between body and building. “

Thursday 29 October 2009

Gold Plated Staples

I've been looking for a set of gold plated staples for some time now
so you can imagine how excited i was when i came across these
by hot Dutch design outfit Studio OOOMS.

The work of Youtube Artist RazRazzi

I love the work of YouTube artist RazRazzi.
You can't help but admire the passion and dedication
he has for his work. For his latest piece he has re-worked his classic film 'Marylin Monroe'.