Wednesday 4 November 2009

Copy Sluts

OMG! Don't you just wish you were Swedish?
If i could die and be re-incarnated, it wouldn't be as a butterfly or something like that, it would be as a Swedish person. Then i would be able to join the Über cool collective COPY SLUTS.
Artist Bjorn Bergmanson (pictured right) says of their latest project "We had the idea one night to just get a load of friends around to the Doonke (Home of the Copy Sluts), dress them up in some American Apparel gear and then photocopy their body parts and ours on an old photocopier that we picked up from a flea market in Copenhagen."
Of the work he goes on to say "We wanted to highlight the economic struggles and strains brought on society by the corporate and political leaders of the world by showing how 'the machine' dictates and controls all our actions and defines us as mere replications and products of our own existence." Cool.